Coheed & Cambria - The Broken

The God of All Gods

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I am a god in all aspects
The god of all gods with all due respect
Because I am awesome in every way
If I wanted I could jump over a bay
I have godlike strength and godlike looks
And with my intelligence I don’t have to pick up a book
Because I am indestructible and cannot be beaten
I definitely don’t have to worry about being eaten
I met a beautiful woman and discovered how vulnerable I can be
Maybe I am only full of hubris and not really what I want to see
Myself as But Sometimes if you wish it your dreams might come true
And I truly Became a god right out of the blue


Roaming said...

wow john!
just wow
really good poem...
but still...
why am i not surprised that you wrote this?

Anonymous said...

This is really funny, but then it gets cute! Aw, little vulnerable John Patchy!

Unknown said...

What is the rhyme scheme of this poem?